For the first time ever on television the full unedited speech from Caitlyn Jenner at the 2016 GLAAD Media Awards.
GLAAD Media Awards red carpet highlights with special guests:
#JennyBoylan Co-Chair GLAAD Board of Directors and I am Cait cast member
#RandyJones original Cowboy from the #VillagePeople
#JennyBoylan Co-Chair GLAAD Board of Directors and I am Cait cast member
#RandyJones original Cowboy from the #VillagePeople
Monday May 23rd 2016
10pm to 10:30pm
10pm to 10:30pm
RyanReporting TV show on every Monday night from 10:00pm to 10:30pm,
Manhattan Neighborhood Network MNN4 The Culture Channel,
in NYC there are four channel options,
Time Warner Television ch 67
Time Warner Television ch 1998
RCN TV ch 85
Verizon FiOS ch 36
in NYC there are four channel options,
Time Warner Television ch 67
Time Warner Television ch 1998
RCN TV ch 85
Verizon FiOS ch 36
**And look for rebroadcast of this episode on Manhattan Neighborhood Network MNN5 HD Channel Time Warner Television ch 1993
and during the live broadcast view the show anywhere in the world right from your computer or Smartphone via the livestream link included below.
"RyanReprting" is a weekly TV show hosted by: Ryan Janek Wolowski that has been on the air since March of 2006.
Airing every Monday in New York City at 10:00pm
**Next weeks TV show***
Monday May 30rd 2016
GLAAD Media Awards in New York City at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel television special
with special guests:
Laura Gomez plays Blanca Flores on Orange is the New Black OITNB
Monday May 30rd 2016
GLAAD Media Awards in New York City at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel television special
with special guests:
Laura Gomez plays Blanca Flores on Orange is the New Black OITNB
Jacob Tobia from MTV True Life I'm Genderqueer
Nicole Maines, Jonas Maines, Wayne Maines
Teresa RodrÃguez, Vinna Rouge, Wilnelia Thompson from Univision Aquà y Ahora
High resolution photo
Ryan Janek Wolowski Caitlyn Jenner
HD Video
Caitlyn Jenner Diane Sawyer at The GLAAD Media Awards New York City
Hashtag metadata tag
#GMA @glaad #glaadawards #GLAAD #GLAADMediaAwards #GLAADMedia#LGBT #GLBT #LGBTQ #GLBTQ #Lesbian #gay #gays #gaymen#gaywomen #bi #Bisexual #Trans #Transman #TransWoman #Transidentity #Transgender #Gender #GenderFluid #GenderIdentity #Queer #Media #TV #Television #Press #WaldorfAstoria #WaldorfAstoriaHotel #NY #NYC #NYS #NewYork #NewYorkCity #NewYorkState #USA #Equality #Pride #celebrity #fashion #famous #style #RedCarpet #RedCarpetEvent #MNN #ManhattanNeighborhoodNetwork #MNNNY #MNNNYC #MNNTV #PublicTV #PublicTelevision #TV #Television #Independent #IndependentMedia #media #RyanReporting #RyanJanekWolowski
#GMA @glaad #glaadawards #GLAAD #GLAADMediaAwards #GLAADMedia#LGBT #GLBT #LGBTQ #GLBTQ #Lesbian #gay #gays #gaymen#gaywomen #bi #Bisexual #Trans #Transman #TransWoman #Transidentity #Transgender #Gender #GenderFluid #GenderIdentity #Queer #Media #TV #Television #Press #WaldorfAstoria #WaldorfAstoriaHotel #NY #NYC #NYS #NewYork #NewYorkCity #NewYorkState #USA #Equality #Pride #celebrity #fashion #famous #style #RedCarpet #RedCarpetEvent #MNN #ManhattanNeighborhoodNetwork #MNNNY #MNNNYC #MNNTV #PublicTV #PublicTelevision #TV #Television #Independent #IndependentMedia #media #RyanReporting #RyanJanekWolowski